Flux Compass input to radar (Update)
On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 17:08:11 -0800, "Steve" wrote:
I hooked the Flux Gate Compass NMEA 0183 output up to the serial port on my
laptop and tried running The Capn (compass option) and go "000"s.. To verify
that all was well with the program and serial configuration, I turned on the
GPS and all was well with that serial input.
I then hooked the Flux Gate back up to the serial port and ran HyperTerminal
and got nothing. I then switch on the GPS and within a second or two I had a
stream of data from the GPS.
Verified that all was correct with the cable connection.. Went through the
manual several times to see if there was some menu option I should select.
Nothing documented..
I guess I will contact Si-Tex tomorrow and see if they can still provide any
tech support since this unit is no longer in production. It's only been used
for a few months, but was purchased new about 4 years ago..
If they can't help me then I guess I'll open it up and look for anything
obviously wrong..
RS-232C serial ports are NOT clairvoyant. They do not adjust their
speed, number of bits, stop bit or not automatically.
I suspect the computer port is set to 4800 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1
stop bit and the Fluxgate is putting out a different speed or 7 bits
or parity or no stop bits or a combo of different things.......keeping
it from being read by the port....
Larry W4CSC
No, no, Scotty! I said, "Beam me a wrench.", not a WENCH!
Kirk Out.....