A question for our atheists...
On Fri, 7 Dec 2012 14:56:24 -0500, iBoaterer wrote:
In article ,
Are y'all anti-all religions, or only Christianity? I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, "So
many Christians, So few lions." I suppose it takes no balls to attack Christians. I wonder why I've
never seen a bumper sticker saying, "So many Muslims, So few virgins."
In fact, I've seen very little of atheists taking action against Muslim activities. Are atheists
mostly just afraid of Muslims? Or, is the Muslim God OK with atheists?
Just where are atheists "taking action" against Christians? Is that your
posit because they don't want Christians forcing their beliefs on them?
You are just too narrow minded. I'll bet you'd have a fit if someone
tried to celebrate a Buddist holiday instead of Christmas, eh? I guess
that if you want to believe that some god made everything in the
universe and beyond, and it's only 4000 years old,etc. One has to wonder
why, when there are starving people, greedy people, crime, war, murder,
rape, on and on do you alleged Christians make excuses like God works in
mysterious ways? If Christianity is THE religion, then WHY do the
concepts of heaven, hell, eternal life, etc., all predate Christianity
as does a savior-god who died and was resurrected? Lying and deceiving
is part of the Christian evangelic tradition, which started with the
founder of Christianity, Paul. Every method of trickery is employed to
catch the gullible, the poor, and the ignorant. The missionary is a
vulture preying on the destitute and the disadvantaged.
Did you not read what the bumper sticker said? I said nothing good or bad about Christianity. I
asked a very simple question about the atheist mentality.
Perhaps Kevin, it was too difficult for you to understand.