A question for our atheists...
On Fri, 07 Dec 2012 15:56:45 -0500, ESAD wrote:
On 12/7/12 2:42 PM, GuzzisRule wrote:
Are y'all anti-all religions, or only Christianity? I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, "So
many Christians, So few lions." I suppose it takes no balls to attack Christians. I wonder why I've
never seen a bumper sticker saying, "So many Muslims, So few virgins."
In fact, I've seen very little of atheists taking action against Muslim activities. Are atheists
mostly just afraid of Muslims? Or, is the Muslim God OK with atheists?
Too cold for you to troll for stripers in the Bay, eh?
What most atheists are against is not religion, per se, but religion
that tries to force itself down the throat of non-believers, either
directly or indirectly, or religion that uses government or government
facilities to further...religion.
Oh...the "Muslim" god is the same being as the Christian god and the
Jewish god. Muslims are monotheistic. Muslims consider Abraham, Moses
and Jesus as prophets of the same god your church venerates. Oh, and
didn't you go to college? Apparently you are not aware that Muhammad is
not the god of Muslims, but simply their main man prophet.
Read the question, Krause. Are you implying that Muslims do not try to force their beliefs upon
others? Apparently most atheists don't realize that both Christians and Muslims believe in the same
Have you paid your taxes yet? Is being a deadbeat good for your serenity?