(Larry W4CSC) wrote:
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 05:25:03 -0800, sded wrote:
Excellent as a ham radio, but Icom has declined to document that mode as well as
it has done for its SSB and DSC features. I have collected some data on ham use
at http://members.dslextreme.com/users/sded/m802.htm
Wow....BIG type!...(c;
You might want to look back through my comments about modifying the
tuner to get rid of the stupid pigtail connector that's SURE to rot
off in a month at sea. (Check my reply to his message and look back
through the newsgroup archive on here and in rec.boats.cruising about
my experiences with this radio and its quirks.)
Consider anything I write about it public domain and reproduce it on
the webpage, but only as long as the webpage is open to all and free.
I'm not sure about the toggling the mode back and forth, either. I
think I made it work by holding down MODE and TX and pressing 2 while
it was still on. I'll check that again when I'm on the boat but I
know the POWER ON sequence called for in the tech bulletin works, so
he can use that.
I've ordered a service manual, too, but haven't gotten it yet. I hope
there's more to it than how to operate it and the schematics they left
off the owner's manual. It ain't cheap! Let's hope there's a whole
section on SOFTWARE CONTROLS in it......(c;
Keep me in mind at'
organs at myrealbox dot com
if you find anything more about it. You're right about the rotten
documentation. It stinks almost as bad as the tuner control cable
Larry W4CSC
Larry, I'm afraid you will be very disappointed in the service manual. I was.
The usual schematics, but nothing to help a user. I actually use my M802 with
an SGC SG-230 tuner that I already had. Works fine, you just need to coax it to
memorize settings sometimes because of the extreme foldback caution the M802 has
if you hit it at power with a high vswr. Usually retuning at L/M/H takes care
of it with no problem. The SG230 has lots of memories and excellent retention.
Yes, the cable sucks. I got the parts for the radio connector and tried to make
an end for my tuner cable a few times, finally gave up. Talked to Farallon
Electronics for ideas, and they said they had finally made a jig for the cables,
since even their techs couldn't install one per the instructions. I finally
bought one of the ICOM AT140 cables on sale, cut most of it off and spliced it
to my tuner power cable so I don't need a separate circuit for the SG230. So
far so good, but my installation doesn't let the cables move much. Still a
great radio for Marine hams, even if Icom is not forthcoming. As far as your
cable comments, email me a blurb and I will incorporate/attribute next time I do
a Website update. Regards; Ed, KO6CK.