Hello Glenn,
The term "marinised" refers to the fact that the CAPAX has an IEC945
approval, which is required for any electronics equipment on a SOLAS
vessel. I understand the cost for getting this approval is significant.
Glenn Ashmore wrote in news:Ajj3c.52689$Ri6.46934
The term "maranized" gets stretched quite a bit when it comes to
computers. It looks like the Capax is maranized only in some ad
writer's mind. That is just a standard industrial case. I built my
shop computer in one. 4U cases take up a LOT of room but you can cram a
lot of PCI cards in them. They are also noisy. Painted steel with
and rear fans and a lockable front panel door but nothing waterproof
about it. For vibration and shock, the cards are top braced and the
drives have shock mounts but that is about it.
The modern super compact hard drives are a lot more rugged than the
older big ones and with 90% of the features built into the motherboard
these days vibration and shock loads are not as much of an issue.
What is an issue is moisture and the obnly solution to that is
coating on everthing. Even the fanless models let air in through the
Between the CAPAX and the Stealth 401, I would go with the Stealth. If
you need more serial I/O you can put a port expander on one of the USB
ports. They may even be conformal coated but if not it would take
an hour to break it down and spray everything with $3 worth of MGC
conformal coating. http://www.mgchemicals.com/products/419b.html
Yme Bosma wrote:
I was looking for a really good marinised PC. Found one
(http://www.panbo.com/yae/archives/000443.html), but I have the
feeling it's very expensive. Although I can't find a pricetag
Does anyone has any experience with similar products, or may be DIY,
that you can share?