On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 14:17:27 -0400, Sheldon Haynie
Anyone have experience with dual banks (small starter and big house) with
the Balmar Duo-Charge? I am taking two seized up alternators off a
Westerbeke 46 (don't ask about why they are seized) and replacing with a
single 100A Balmar alternator. Rather than futz about with the battery
switch for charging, I would prefer to have a separate path for charging so
I do NOT forget to switch etc.
I installed a Duo-Charge when they came on the market, as I'd been
looking for something like that at a reasonable price for a while. My
logic was about the same as yours. It works like a champ. For my
purposes, it is the ideal solution. I have a dual output alternator,
but I prefer the Duo-Charge for its flexibility. Also, if you have
solar or wind power the Duo-Charge doesn't care where the charge comes
The early units had abysmal documentation. I contacted Balmar and
they shipped me a new manual which was much better. I expect that
problem is fixed by now. The unit would not be appropriate for 2
large banks, as it is current limited to 30 amps. To keep a starting
battery topped off, that isn't a problem.
If you're interested, I have a wiring diagram of my boat before and
after installing the new alt/regulator/DuoCharge.
__________________________________________________ __________
Glen "Wiley" Wilson usenet1 SPAMNIX at worldwidewiley dot com
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