outboard cut off switch ??
You should not need to cover the intake to stop the engine, by closing the
throttle completely should stop the engine.
I have a number of these engines and they all stop this way, to restart
again you should not have to prime the unless the engine is cold.
I think you will find the needle is not closing the jet, it's just a matter
of adjusting the throttle cable at the carb end to make sure it shuts fully.
Running on tick-over there should also be sufficient water passing through
the engine as it does not require forward movement to help push the cooling
water around. If you are not getting water out on tick-over I would suggest
that the waterways are partially blocked, not uncommon especially if used in
salt water and not flushed out each time. To clear this, will require the
removal of the cylinder head and using a small drill, drill out the hard
deposits in the waterways. Don't forget the water outlet hole as well.
To fit a kill switch will require you to drill a hole in the flywheel base
plate, connect a wire on the coil side of contact breaker the other end of
the switch to the engine chassis (earth). Switching the switch off will stop
any spark thus stopping the engine.
In my opinion this will be more problems to go wrong when you need the
engine to start.
"flinttool" wrote in message
Hi I have got an out board motor (seagull forty plus, if that makes a
difference) that works fine but annoyingly has no electric cut off
switch. This means that to shut it off or stop it you have to turn
down the throttle to the idle position and either starve the carb of
air by placing your had over the air intake or turning the fuel tap
off and waiting for it to run out of petrol. This may not seem to much
trouble but you the have to go back through the priming procedure each
time you want to start it again, and as this has to be done by leaning
out over the back of the engine and boat is awkward to say the least.
The trouble is you cant leave it ticking over at low rev's as the
impeller doesn't throw the water around at the slow idle speed you
need the forward motion to help the circulation.
What I would like to do is split the ignition lead (or jion two
leads) and put in a cut off switch? That way the engine will stop
instantly and should start first pull when needed again.
Will this affect the engine in any way, as the coil is £120 to
replace that's if you can get one.