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Larry W4CSC
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Default ICOM m810 open up for ham bands?

"Doug Dotson" wrote in

Doesn't matter. All rules are suspended in an emergency. Having
a ham enabled rig on board is a good idea even if one does not
have a ham license. Much better chance of reaching a ham than
anyone on Marine SSB in an emergency,

Doug, k3qt
s/v Callista

You can even run more than 25W on VHF to get over the noise of Bubba's
Marina parking boats running 25W from his 90' tower, in an emergency. My
boats have all had a 160W linear amp, made for 2 meters but broadbanded, in
them for years....

Marinas should all be limited to 1/2 watt from an antenna no taller than
the top of the fuel dock house.....dammit....