ICOM m810 open up for ham bands?
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Bruce in Alaska
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ICOM m810 open up for ham bands?
In article ,
Larry W4CSC wrote:
Bruce in Alaska wrote in news:bruceg-
In article ,
"Doug Dotson" wrote:
But only outputs a few milliwatts when tuning I believe. But
you do still need a valid license to work QRP.
Doug, k3qt
s/v Callista
Autotuners need about 3 to 5 watts of RF at the input to the tuner
for the internal Phase and Power Sensing Systems to operate
Tuners get all excited if you tune them up at a kilowatt....(c;
Larry W4CSC
Yep, if you do that, the "Magic Smoke" comes out and they don't
work right anymore. It isn't easy to put the smoke back in either.
Bruce in alaska
add a 2 before @
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