GPS & GPS Software
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Rodney Myrvaagnes
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GPS & GPS Software
On 25 Apr 2004 12:28:12 -0700,
Simons) wrote:
From my understanding a # of programs should be able to do that. I've
got a Garmin 45 and I do the same thing with NavPak Pro
Regards Gerald
"Dennis Pogson" wrote in message ...
Rick wrote:
That is crap. If you have the correct cable NEMA???? you should bed
able to put it onto your PC
Without software? Please don't mislead the questioner. An NMEA cable,
whatever that is, is only the link between 2 devices. If you don't regularly
use this technology, leave the advice to people who do!
Any test modem program, or other text input program that can be piped
from the serial port, like Winmodem, will accept NMEA data if the bps
and parity is set correctly.
I had a computer logging both GPS and loran for several years. The
messages are human readable.
You don't need special software.
Rodney Myrvaagnes Opinionated old geezer
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