SSB Antenna theory
"Doug Dotson" wrote ...
I guess I'll pick up the latest Antenna Handbook and start reading.
Doug, k3qt
s/v Callista
The fundamental work on "small" antennas was done by a guy named Wheeler. After
digging in the filing cabinet I found his paper from the proceedings of the
I.R.E. (institute of radio engineers?) that preceded the IEEE.
"Fundamental Limitations of Small Antennas" by Harold A. Wheeler fellow, I.R.E.
December 1947
One insight is that a small antenna can theoretically be nearly as efficient as
a 1/4 wave element but it is difficult to match to the small radiation
resistance. (actually you match to the sum of the radiation and loss
resistance). The efficiency is simply the ratio of radiation resistance to the
sum of radiation plus loss resistance. A small loop antenna which looks
inductive makes the job easier as you can build a low resistance loop and use
high Q capacitors for tuning/matching.