Buy a good Kenwood TS-440 ham radio off eBay - you see them fairly
frequently. I've had one onboard for 14 years. 4 mos ago I bought
another off eBay for $300 - excellent condition - as a backup. They
tr/rec up to 30 MHz. They can easily be "clipped" to transmit legally
(in an emergency) on all SSB freq - and no one can tell. They work
with the PTC Pactor 2 and 3 modems for sailmail and ham email at full
speed.. You'll need an antenna tuner - could be a manual one for $50
or so will do - lots of "real" cruisers use these setups and use the
balance saved to cruise longer. Don't let "marina" cruisers BS you.
On 7 May 2004 12:47:52 -0700,
(Eric) wrote:
I am looking for an inexpensive tranceiver for my sailboat.I am
rapidly running out of money and need a cheap reliable rig.I have just
insulated my backstay(37 feet).aAny ideas? Thanks,Eric.