Doug Dotson wrote:
I guess I'm a little behind as well. If I recall correctly, when the
last rule change happened that made 5WPM the speed for
General and Advanced, it was stated that the ITU requirement
was the reason that it could not be dropped entirely. Once the
ITU dropped the requirement, the FCC would iniate action
to follow suit. Personally, I think the code should stay.
I am a bit worried about the bands going the way of CB if it gets to
easy but the code requirement really needs to go. I would like to see
the writtens get a lot tougher or at least not publish the actual
questions and answers in study books. Anybody with half a brain can
memorize a book from Radio Shack and pass it now.
Glenn Ashmore
I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
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