Is the Smart Heading Sensor used for any steering functions by a Raytheon
The autopilots all use the fluxgate compass for heading input, so I'm
curious what function
the Smart Heading Sensor serves. Is it just backup?
"Larry W4CSC" wrote in message
If you call Raymarine and talk nice to them, they'll send you an EPROM
upgrade C-Map plug you simply plug into your RL display and turn the
unit on. The unit will suck the program off the plug and upgrade
itself to the latest firmware upgrade with all the stuff they "forgot"
and will have support for new stuff like the Smart Heading Sensor ours
wouldn't read before the upgrade.
They'll charge your credit card if you don't send back the plug to
them so someone else can use it.......Be forewarned.
On 8 Mar 2004 11:17:07 -0800, (James McQuade)
Your message did not indicate the NT+ code number that you are using.
Some Raymarine products may not reconize a C-card with a .00 version.
Versions .01 and above corrected this problem.
Also some Raymarine units will only reconize an NT+ C-card in the top
slot of the unit. Raymarine introduced new software to correct this
issue. I suspect that your symptom may be related to one of these
issues, as you have confirmed that your NT+ C-card operates correctly
in another unit.
J. McQuade
Larry W4CSC
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