Try Raymaines customer support on their website:
p_sid=gqzWEZbh&p_lva=&p_faqid=408&p_created=100056 7828&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9n
cmlkc29ydD0mcF9yb3dfY250PTE2JnBfc2VhcmNoX3RleHQ9d2 luZCZwX3NlYXJjaF90eXBlPTMm
cF9wcm9kX2x2bDE9OCZwX3Byb2RfbHZsMj1_YW55fiZwX2NhdF 9sdmwxPTExJnBfc29ydF9ieT1k
And firts you must set up your instrument as master. All instruments in a
ST60 system with a transducer connected must be set up as master.
Hope this helps,
Regs, TomS
"Theo Weber" wrote in message
I'm having problems with my newly installed ST60 Wind. On it's
first start-up with everything connected I didn't get CAL in the display
as the manual states is supposed to happen. Checked the Raymarine
troubleshooting site and it suggests that I have cable connection
problems. I checked and retightened all connections, but still no CAL.
The next suggestion by Raymarine is that the unit needs to be checked by
a service centre. Of course that entails unstepping my mast, pulling
the cable from both mast and thru the boat, and removing the instrument
to leave a big hole in the boat while it's off getting checked.
I contacted them to see if I could do a little troubleshooting
myself. Raymarine tells me the only way is to send someone up the mast
and short each pin and check the resistance. To my way of thinking
there's got to be some sort of signal coming down from the wind speed
and direction transducers and I should be able to check the individual
wires for a current. Anyone have any experience? Cheers