On 3/15/2013 9:54 AM, Wayne B wrote:
On Fri, 15 Mar 2013 07:51:39 -0400, BAR wrote:
The Roman Catholic church, led by the pope, has been a regressive
force against every attempt a population control. A major portion of
the world's problems are the result of over population and it's just
going to get worse until a majority of people recognize the issue.
One of the primary teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and most other
christian churches is the sanctity of life.
No reasonable person would argue against the sanctity of life. The
problem arises because your particular church, and some others,
believe that life begins at conception even though there is not a
shred of scientific evidence to support that notion. That's what
makes it a religious belief: It is based on faith. You are
entitled to your religious beliefs of course, and I support that
right. However, when you start advocating and lobbying for laws that
support your beliefs, you are trampling on the rights and beliefs of
No woman should be forced to bring an unwanted child into the world
just to comply with someone else's religious beliefs.
Have a look at what you are advocating, if you dare.