C-Map chart not showing detail after switching Raymarine displays
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Larry W4CSC
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C-Map chart not showing detail after switching Raymarine displays
"Patrick" wrote in news:ZOWdnW-
Is the Smart Heading Sensor used for any steering functions by a Raytheon
The autopilots all use the fluxgate compass for heading input, so I'm
curious what function
the Smart Heading Sensor serves. Is it just backup?
Not that I can sense. I wish my captain hadn't bought it, personally. I
think it's a waste of money.
Look in the manual and see it wants to be within 10 degrees of upright for
the gyro sensor to work. What? Hell, our boat is hardly EVER within 10
degrees of upright on Lionheart! Who the hell can sail like that? Flat
seas? No wind? How crazy.
So, having fought to get the damned fluxgate in a place it WILL calibrate,
which wasn't easy, I'd recommend the straight Raymarine compass sensor,
which was easy to calibrate and use, not this new gadget anyone can show me
makes any difference in the waves steering the boat.
Frankly, the B&G compass sensor with our B&G Network Pilot blows the doors
off any of the Raymarine compass sensors we've ever had. We turned it once
to calibrate it and it's been within 1 degree since. Who needs more?
S/V Lionheart
way too much electronics to operate all at once...(c;
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