On 3/29/2013 8:27 AM, Eisboch wrote:
"F.O.A.D." wrote in message
On 3/29/13 6:43 AM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute wrote:
... you know guys, if you stop looking to Anderson Cooper and Racheal
Maddcow for your news, you may even become an informed American voter....
Soooo, take a quick check and verify what I said earlier like Greg
usually does for me... I don't make this **** up, even if you don't like
the way I present it.
You ignorant little ****, do you even read what you post before you post
it and then claim "facts" not in play?
Last week my favorite gun shop was totally sold out of .380 ammo and I
had used up almost all I had at the range. They said they had more
coming in this past Wednesday, so yesterday I stopped in to check. They
had some, but all they could get was premium "law enforcement"
hollowpoints at $39 for a box of 50.
So much for DHS buying up all the ammo and "causing" the shortage.
Where exactly did I say "DHS buying up and *causing*..."?
Here is my post, see if you can follow it
Why do you think DHS is buying up all of the ammo, some 1.6 billion with
a B rounds as well as armored vehicles, drones, and other hardware until
now thought of as military gear, not "peace officer" gear?
Just so you don't "loogie" me... What I was complaining about was a
domestic org, buying military type ammo and armaments... I posted one
link of hundreds... You have gone off on some kind of tangent on
something I never said... But you and harry have admittedly had a blast,
keep forgetting why you said you were here... LOL!