ready to go boating!
On Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:41:27 -0700 (PDT), Tim
On Mar 30, 10:56*am, bob wrote:
put batteries in boat yesterday; new zincs; cooling water line hooked
up....ready to launch. marina is still repairing superstorm sandy
damage but will launch boat by april 15...can't come soon enough!
Good luck to you, Bob. I Hope the boat is worthy and you don't have
any hidden issues.
Mine won't be ready for at least the middle of May, I'd doing a lot of
interior overhauling, but when it's done, I'm hoping it will be ready
for the long haul. I hope so. I'm tired of being stranded on shore.
?;^ )
always have a bit of maintenance but the boat's so old it may be time
to upgrade in a year or 2