How much power is in a 100ah battery
On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 16:40:59 GMT, "Doug"
I have also seen it happen...running wet cell NiCad's for a back up source
of power for cesium beam frequency standards. These units we periodically
discharged and recharged as a preventative maintenance procedure, and they
did develop memory. The fix was to vary the preventative maintenance
discharge time/amount. H/P factory support helped us solve this problem.
Doug K7ABX
Well, I must admit, you ARE one of the very few who
has experienced true "memory" in Ni-Cads. Taz will
have to look elsewhere for his problems with his
sealed waterproof torches. Unless he has found some
way to discharge them partially AND IDENTICALLY each
time (on for the exact same amount of time at the
exact same temperature, EVERY single time) then it
is something else that is reducing the capacity of
his Ni-Cads. (They DO wear out under normal conditions,
just not as soon and with as sharp a cut-off as when
the memory effect is the cause.)