The idiots have spoken...
On 4/3/2013 9:32 AM, J Herring wrote:
On Wed, 03 Apr 2013 09:23:01 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:
On 4/3/13 9:23 AM, J Herring wrote:
On Tue, 02 Apr 2013 21:01:18 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:
Former governor Mark Sanford won a Republican runoff election in South
Carolina’s 1st congressional district on Tuesday, advancing to a
head-to-head race against Democratic nominee Elizabeth Colbert Busch
that early indicators suggest will be competitive.
Yeah, but:
When you chamber a round at the range do you then put the pistol aside, or stand around and shoot
the ****, such that you need to put the thumb safety on? That would violate your first rule - not
ready to fire 'til you're ready to fire. If you've chambered a round, it should be because you're
ready to fire - no need to put the safety on, other than to immediately take it off again while
'Name-calling' - the liberals' last stand.
Yawn. Herring's got a new burr up his ass.
You stressed the importance of a safety over and over. You say the only time you use it is on the
range during the interval between chambering a round and shooting the round.
Unless you're not ready to shoot, why did you chamber the round?
If you are ready to shoot, why not shoot?
Your long winded explanations of 'conditions' didn't answer the question.
'Name-calling' - the liberals' last stand.
Harry doesn't leave home without belt, suspenders, and depends. Does
that answer your question?