Opening day
In article , cell201 says...
"iBoaterer" wrote in message
In article , cell201 says...
"iBoaterer" wrote in message
In article , cell201 says...
"iBoaterer" wrote in message
Keeping score? Hey, let's keep score of the racist, low life crap
Now, go back, and show me where these people had bought a ticket
enter the venue. Gee, can't find any? Hmmmm..... You DO remember,
you, that that was my whole argument to start with? I'm guessing
Guess you missed this in the last link:
"Before each game at Yankee Stadium, a public address system
announcement warns fans that Major League Baseball rules forbid
to go on the field or to throw anything on it. Anyone doing so,
announcement says, will be arrested and prosecuted.
Sco "justwaitafrekinminute": 4 -------- "iBoaterer": 0
I'm sorry, please show me where that says anything about whether
had a ticket or not.....
Please indicate in the public address announcement where it matters
you have a ticket or not.
Sco "justwaitafrekinminute": 5 -------- "iBoaterer": 0
Gee, you tend to play stupid, are you really? First of all, your quote
contains errors that would have it thrown out of court in an instant.
you have trouble finding it, let me know. Second, I SPECIFICALLY asked
stated that the persons in question have a ticket to the game.
you idiotic, childish "score" is erroneous in that I have correctly
rebuttaled each and every time.
------------------------------G A M E O V E
=================== You Lose ================
=============== Insert quarter to play again ========
Thanks, I knew a long time ago I won.