Why we can't have good things
On 4/3/13 1:06 PM, J Herring wrote:
On Wed, 03 Apr 2013 12:34:15 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:
have a home, plenty of food, a car or three, 3 TVs, cable, computer,
internet, air conditioning, washer dryer, bicycles, boats, clothes,
shoes, hand tools, fishing poles, cupboard full of dishes, VCRs, hobby
materials, electronic test equipment, electricity, stove,
storage shed/work shop, furniture, freezer, money for gas, wifi radio,
communication receiver, fax machine, cordless phone, health insurance,
HSA SEP, riding mower, push mower, electric gokart, portable radio,
books, binoculars, sewing machines, storage cabinets, table saw, jig
saw, band saw, greenhouse, irrigation system, water pump, water/sewer,
living close to local consumer services.
Please add to the list and tell me what good things are you missing.
The phrase typically does not refer to those sorts of things.
Does it refer to safeties on handguns? You know, neither of my revolvers, one of which is the
"Highway Patrolman" has a safety. They must be 'bad' guns, huh?
'Name-calling' - the liberals' last stand.
Have you figured out the difference between polymer and alloy yet? Or
whether you should winterize your outboard's innards with WD 40? Or
whether you should use two cycle oil in your four stroke outboard?