1. E-bay.
2. You might want to check whether the scrambler in the GX2355S
Spectrum+ is compatible. It's a different scrambler, but it might well
be compatible.
3. You sure you didn't mean GX2350S Spectrum?
Chuck Tribolet
Silicon Valley: STILL the best day job in the world.
"Mike" wrote in message om...
Our Charter group uses the Standard GX2341S Omni with a voice
scrambler. The voice scrambler can only be used with the GX2341S and
GX23450S Spectrum. Both models have been discontinued. I have been
searching high and low for either model. There are several web stores
that have the GX2350S listed for purchase, but in fact do not have any
in stock.
Does anyone know where I might find either model? I am willing to pay
top dollar for a new or used unit. Any help will be greatly