Electrical drawings for Bayliner 2985( 89mod)
"Kjell Åreskjold" noen wrote
I am shanging the engine in a Bayliner 2985
Orginal engines is two V8 petrol i am putting a yanmarin diesel in it.
My problem is that i dont have the electrical drawings for this boat
Can anyone help or give me some sugestion where to get them
Ken, even if there was such a thing, I don't see how it would help you, or
be a problem w/o it. The powerplant you are installing will have it's own
mfr-recommended grounding and bonding plan, and you could pursue that from
the engine mfr. If you have to move terminal blocks for the DC loads in the
engine/battery compartment, then move them. The original wiring plan for
your model would be of little use unless Bayliner had designed for that
exact Yanmarine powerplant. You should have lots of room to route a starting
motor cable, glow-plug and gage wiring, etc. from a new plant to exisitng
terminals used for similar purposes that will be right where you left them.
I suggest that you make your own "as-built" dwgs and modify as appropriate
to connect the new powerplant accessories. Or hire a professional to do the
electrical work.
Do-it-yourself jobs like an engine change on a boat assume that the mechanic
already knows how it's wired, and having seen them build those boats, there
is no drawing in sight. Each one gets wired a little different according to
individual layouts and designs. About all they have in common is the
harnesses and general routing.
Good luck.