HELP, Boat CB Radio Question!
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 18:57:02 EDT
Organization: BellSouth Internet Group
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 22:57:02 GMT
Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com rec.boats.electronics:56330
On 2004-06-28 said:
Can someone please help me, I have a 22 foot boat and I bought a
Cobra CB Radio for it, but it only has 2 weather channels and then
channels up to 40, but my local marina is on channel 68, so does
this mean my radio is no good for a boat? sorry this could be a
totally dumb question, but to me I believe I need to reinvest in
another radio that has more channels obviously, and opions on what
to buy for a nice new radio if that is the case? Thanks very much
in advance for your time! Derek
I see you're posting from Canada, so check out what licensing
requirements you may need to fulfill. tHen run don't walk to your
nearest marine equipment dealer and get a vhf transceiver for your
boat before you leave the dock next time with an appropriate antenna
for it. INstall these and test them before you cruise again.
AS you said you'll find your local marina on channey 68. dOwn south
of your border I know vhf channel 16 is an emergency watch frequency.
IF you need assistance in an emergency you want to be able to
communicate directly with folks qualified to help you. Keep the cb as
a backup in case of need, but install the correct equipment and
acquire any licenses you need for it.
tHe life you save may be your own.
Iirc they published a later from me in the March issue of Popular
COmmunications regarding using cb for emergency assistance on the
water. YOu should at least have vhf marine equipment aboard your
boat, and if you're cruising offshore you might even want to consider
something for marine hf. CB would be a first line emergency aid
summoning tool if you were cruising on the highways, but your chances
are much better at getting competent help using the right radio
Richard Webb, amateur radio callsign nf5b
active on the Maritime Mobile service network, 14.300 mhz
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remember the seven p's of the studio: "Pre-
production planning prevents **** poor performance". ---Fletcher