What do you mean by a "full ham license"? To use most HF
frequencies a General class license is required. An Extra
class give you access to all ham frequencies but is really
not necessary. And yes, both ends need a license.
Doug, k3qt
s/v Callista
"Steve" wrote in message
Larry W4CSC wrote in message
(Steve) wrote in
Does anyone know if it is possible to modify the IC-M800 to operate on
Ham freqs ?
Any pointers to instructions ?
We have the M-802 on Lionheart. To open its transmit up to 2-30 Mhz
transmit, simply hold down MODE and TX buttons together while pressing
2 button. This toggles the radio between marine channels only and wide
open frequency transmit.
To keep my captain from being arrested, when I leave the boat, I toggle
back to marine-channels-only transmit...(c;
73, Larry W4CSC/MM
Thanks for this, does that mean I can assume the M800 is the same as
your 802 ?
It would be great if it was 'toggleable' becuase like you we will have
a mix of people with different qualifications using the vessel and I
absolutely must ensure that we stay legal. Although it seems to me
that as a means of routine shore contact, a full ham licence at both
ends is virtually essential - is that correct ?