Steve wrote:
Does anyone know if it is possible to modify the IC-M800 to operate on Ham freqs ?
Any pointers to instructions ?
Yes Steve it can be modified.....and also Icom have an eprom at less
than 20 uk pounds that adds lsb so you get the works
To modify the radio it is the old fashioned way of cutting links and not
button pushing...this is OLD technology.
Find the logic unit which I believe is one of the circuit boards
about mid point along on one of the short sides are 4 links and
these are marked w1 w3 w5 w6
cutting w1 gives free TX on all frequencies
The radio will not transmit below 2 mhz or above 24 mhz
To increase the frequency coverage
find the RF unit.
In one corner and running along the short edge is a row of diodes
could be as many as 10 You need to cut D25 to go over 24 mhz
you need to cut D24 to go below 2 mhz
D24 is nearest the corner and D25 is at the opposite end of the row!
the eprom is product code 119.o2 and gives USB and LSb however if it is
a USA radio this may already be fitted.
These are good bomb proof radios and all though not ideal for ham
operation work very well though you will get the odd snipe about being
off frequency
Hope this helps