Anything worth listening to on 50Mhz/six metre band?
hey thanks for the frequencies, the aerial component of my backstay is
about 24ft long, i use an antennae tuner, is that sufficient or am i
way off the mark, could i just unplug the cable from the 0-30Mhz band
and expect it to heard?
"Leanne" wrote in message ...
The lower end of the 50MHz (6 Meter) band is Amateur Radio
This band is not open 24/7 like some, but when it does, you can have a lot
of fun with the 'E' and 'F' layer skip upwards of 3000 miles. When we liven
in West Tennessee, I worked 44 states and 4 countries in about two months
during the openings. One summer I have bi-weekly schedule with a Cuban
station. Listen at 50.110-130 for usb signals above that is AM and 52.525 is
the FM calling frequency.
If you are hearing a lot of unusual stuff on the 28 Mhz, then move on up to
50 Mhz and have fun. Here in the US, when TV channels 2 and 3 use to act up
wih interference from distant not normally seen stations, due to band
openings, then it was a good bet that 6 was open too. High sunspot activity
is a thing to look for also.
Leanne - At one time an avid 6 meter Ax's