"Steve (another one)" wrote:
John Howell wrote:
Steve wrote:
Does anyone know if it is possible to modify the IC-M800 to operate on Ham freqs ?
These are good bomb proof radios and all though not ideal for ham
operation work very well though you will get the odd snipe about being
off frequency
Hope this helps
Thanks that's very helpful, but prompts another question....
I also have responsibility for a boat with an M700, it is annoying that
it cannot receive down to 518KHz for Navtex. It had not ocured to me
that this could be easily 'fixed' do you know of a way to allow that ??
Sorry Steve...I got this info from Icom UK who are very helpfull..They
also gave me info on modifying other rigs so maybe they could give
this...I shall see.
Regards John