"Rob" wrote in message
I am thinking through the wiring diagrams of my vessel and plan to
have all the items that I run when motoring - Nav GPS and fluxgate,
VHF, Radar, windscreen wipers, etc etc supplied from the load side of
the the engine battery switch. I will have a relay in the power
supply to the switch panel which is activated when the accessory
position of the ignition switch is selected - rather similar to car
(The initial reason for this is that I am collecting the vessel as a
motor away - unfitted out - and will not have installed the domestic
battery bank).
My concern though is engine generated elec spikes in the system when
operating the starter and any effect they might have on the equipment.
I therefore thought that I might need a spike supression filter - and
my simple question is what is recommded and how I might make the
device myself???
What you are describing requires a generator, a siginificant marine circuit
panel and more than one battery. None of the electronic equipment you
mentioned should ever be operating when you start the engine unless it is
separately powered by the generator. And thus one of the 10,000 items
remaining before your underway experiences begin is eliminated.