Jack Painter wrote:
Larry, all I could find was information regarding compulsory GMDSS ships. Is
there a listing you are aware of for voluntary-equipped GMDSS? HF is the
issue, of course ;-)
Unless Larry holds, and is required to hold, a current USCG license as a
merchant marine officer with an STCW certificate endorsed as a radio
operator he only holds the GMDSS tickets for ego purposes. No one else
needs one unless they work for a shorebased maintenance firm doing work
on GMDSS equipment on ships. He obviously doesn't understand the GMDSS
system concept and is posting nonsense.
If you want reliable information that applies to you and your particular
circumstances just Google "gmdss voluntary station operator license"
There are plenty of pages. Here is a link that pretty much states what
Larry would have known if he had any training and held the license for
anything other than some kind of redneck ham radio bragging rights:
Training, Licensing and Certification
The Master and all Mates on SOLAS vessels are now required to hold the
FCC GMDSS Radio Operator?s License (GOC) for Sea Areas A2, A3 (Inmarsat
coverage), and A4 (polar regions) or the Restricted GMDSS Radio
Operator?s License (ROC) for operations in Sea Area A1. They must also
hold a Coast Guard STCW 95 GMDSS endorsement. The STCW endorsement
requires mandatory training and demonstrated ability to operate all
GMDSS systems. Most small commercial vessels are not required to be STCW
compliant, however, and are permitted to use any GMDSS equipment without
mandated GMDSS training. Small commercial vessels mandated to carry
radio for safety reasons are required to hold a radio station license
and the appropriate operator permits. Vessels subject to the
Bridge-to-Bridge act are also required to hold a radio station license.