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Jack Painter
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Default Modifying Icom IC-M800

"Larry W4CSC" wrote
"Jack Painter" wrote in

Larry, all I could find was information regarding compulsory GMDSS
ships. Is there a listing you are aware of for voluntary-equipped
GMDSS? HF is the issue, of course ;-)

There is no differences in voluntary and compulsory ships operating GMDSS
in any regulation I can find, except your voluntary ship isn't required to
have it in the first place.

If you want to operate it, you must comply with all the ship regulations
for it....TWO licensed GMDSS ops, REDUNDANT equipment and all!!


Noting the apparent lack of exception in FCC comments or rulemaking (and
they are indeed the authority on this subject, not the USCG as you pointed
out), there is nonetheless an interesting comment or two by the Ret. USCG
Capt, Chmn of the Implementaton Task Force at which states in parts:


The FCC action has thus begun a very gradual shift to DSC by requiring new
models of MF and VHF radios sold in the U.S. to have at least a simplified
DSC capability.

Recreational vessels are not required to use DSC in the MF/HF bands and may
continue to use non-DSC MF radios and make voice calls on 2182 kHz if they
hold the necessary Ship Station License issued by the FCC.

(there's a key no-exception point - whether by omission or not, we cannot
assume that no mention of license exception for GMDSS means that they might
have intended one - but it MAY be included in the new
no-questions-asked-all-equipment restricted operators license!)

The new DSC calling identity is the nine digit Maritime Mobile Service
Identity (MMSI) that is
assigned by the FCC to vessels desiring or required to use DSC in the VHF,
MF, and HF maritime radio bands. The way to get an MMSI number assigned is
to apply to the FCC for a radio station license. Station licenses are no
longer required for recreational vessels less that 65 feet in length
operating on VHF exclusively in U.S. waters

(another no-exception for HF GMDSS comment - looking more like they either
missed the boat on this part entirely, or they never meant to exempt it. It
remains confusing , which is in keeping with what I said about NavCenter et
al before.

Anyway, the new operator licenses do "imply" that any equipment volutarily
carried (radar, HF, VHF, etc) does NOT have to be listed, therefore no
license mods are required when equipment is added. THAT implies GMDSS could
be part of the license-suite w/o special GMDSS quals.It is an interesting
issue that salesman and yachtsman alike should be very clear on before
selling owning or operating the equipment.
