NRA Specials
On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 14:49:11 -0400, HankĀ©
On 4/9/2013 1:16 PM, Eisboch wrote:
"jps" wrote in message ...
Anyone who joins the NRA right now is a friggin' idiot. If there was
ever an organization that had gone awry, this is it. Depending on the
poll, between 70 and 90% of the American people want mandated
background checks on all gun sales and yet the NRA vehemently opposes.
I venture to guess that many members will cancel or allow their
memberships to lapse after this round of stupid lunacy.
It's not the members. 74% of the NRA membership support universal
background checks. The nut case is Wayne LaPierre who happens to get
all the media publicity. BTW ... he's not even the President of the
NRA. He performs the roll of CEO and is the national spokesman and loud
mouth. Problem is he doesn't present membership views ... only his own.
As often said, "Don't judge a book by it's cover".
I am beyond disgusted with the group of Republicans who refuse to even
hold a simple vote and are threatening to filibuster any gun control
bill. They are claiming that the Democrats might try to sneak in a
couple of amendments that they couldn't support, so therefore no vote.
Can't they read? If they don't like the bill vote no. But at least
do your jobs and vote.
I think the goal is to block any legislation that the current
administration is pushing. I might be wrong.
That's certainly a big part of it.