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Default Ham Radio Licenses

A LONG time ago, I had a CB license. That's not in the database. I guess
they just dumped them all when licensing was no longer required. Amazing I
still remember the call sign... KZN1725.


The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of
everything. They just make the best of everything.
"Larry" wrote in message
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 15:37:03 GMT, Rick wrote:

Larry wrote:

Not to change the subject, but I am wondering how to do a search of the
ULS. For example, I hold both an Amateur Extra Class (W1HJF) and a
commercial radiotelephone, but when I search on my full name, I come up
with nothing. If I search on just my last name, I show my commercial
ticket, but no amateur license. Yet, if I search on my callsign

it is there. What's the trick?

Go to:

Enter your NAME - LAST, FIRST M.I. just as it was displayed when you
found your entry via your callsign. Do not enter any other information
or check any other boxes.

Entering your name will provide all the licenses you hold. Entering your
call sign will only provide info on that license.

It is a tricky database, but very complete. I went through the same
thing the first time I used it. I couldn't find anything even though I
was holding the paper in my hand and entering the numbers.


Thanks, Rick,

As soon as I figured out that it didn't want to see a period after the
middle initial, it worked. Btw, you can also eliminate the middle

It shows the FRN for the amateur callsign and land mobile station license,
but not the commercial ticket.

Larry W1HJF
email is rapp at lmr dot com