Each 12 volt solar panel you add in series is going to increase the voltage
by 12 volts i.e. 2 panels=24 volts, 3 panels=36 volts. If you want to
increase the current you need to connect the panels in parallel.
Take for example an exide 15 watt panel. Under optimum conditions this
panel can supply 12 volts at 1.25 amps. In reality, you should expect .7
to 1.0 amps from a typical 15 watt panel. To get 12 volts at 5 amps, you
would have to wire 5 or 6 panels together in parallel. If you want 24
volts at 5 amps, you wire 2 sets of six panels together in parallel and
then connect the 2 sets together in series. This would provide 24 volts at
5 amps which would get you about 120 watts of power.
Most of the 12 volt refigeraton units require between 2 and 8 amps depending
on the model.
Richard Kollmann wrote:
Solar Panel Question
A motor had an expectable voltage range from 10 to 45 volts DC
without the use of batteries and required three amps minimum current
to run. The voltage must stay below 45 volts with a maximum current
draw of 5 amps.
How many 12 volt solar panels connected in series would provide the
most daily motor running hours? And what wattage panels would fit this
load requirement?
I know the size of panels will depend on sun hour days, but say it is
a sailboat in the Bahamas.