On 4/18/13 3:41 PM, J Herring wrote:
On Thu, 18 Apr 2013 10:39:06 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:
On 4/18/13 8:48 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
In article ,
On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:28:19 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:
Full Federal Appeals Court Unanimously Rejects
Cuccinelli?s Bid To Reinstate Anti-Sodomy Law
I can understand your being upset with someone who disapproves of anal sex.
Are you really so damned stupid that you think "sodomy" only refers to
anal sex? Or is it that you are that narrow minded?
It's been a long time since Herring left the farm and gave up sodomy
with the family livestock.
I would think the type animal (human or not) would make little difference to fudge-packers. Would
you expound on that, please?
Oh, could an imminent fudge-pack have been the 'special circumstance' to which you referred? Now
*that* would be a reason to chamber a round!
'Name-calling' - the liberals' last stand.
If you are so fearful, you should stay away from those military
recreation establishments.