Hey, completely legal and completely within the law until he murdered
5 people in cold blood.
Let's make this a regular occurance in the US by promoting the
popularity and availability of guns and ammo for "protection."
From Seattle PI:
One man killed his girlfriend and three others Sunday night at a
Federal Way apartment complex before officers fatally shot him,
according to police.
Investigators now believe the shootings that left five dead at the
Pinewood Village Apartments began as a domestic violence slaying.
According to Federal Way police, a 28-year-old man killed his
girlfriend and three bystanders before he was shot to death by
responding officers. There is no indication any of the other victims
were armed.
Speaking Monday, Federal Way Police Chief Brian Wilson cautioned that
the investigation remains ongoing and police have yet to definitively
determine why two men in the parking lot were targeted by the shooter.
But Wilson said the shooter might have been trying to cover his tracks
when he killed two bystanders and a neighbor who witnessed part of the
killing spree.
"We believe that he may have been trying to kill his witnesses,"
Wilson said at a Monday morning news conference.
****The suspect had a valid concealed weapons permit and no criminal
history, Wilson continued. Wilson noted the man had previously been
contacted by police in Seattle and Federal Way following verbal
arguments with a partner or relative.****
Wilson said the man killed his 25-year-old girlfriend before gunning
down two men in the complex parking lot and a third man at a
neighboring apartment. Speaking Monday morning, a police spokesman
said the series of murders began with a domestic violence homicide
about 9:35 p.m.
According to police, the suspect first shot his girlfriend in the head
at their apartment in the complex. The shooter then left their
apartment, taking with him some belongings including a large gym bag.
Outside the apartment he encountered two men. Investigators claim
witnesses reported hearing yelling or arguing, and saw the suspect
shoot both men.
The suspect walked up to a 46-year-old man and executed him before
gunning down the second 24-year-old man.
A 62-year-old walked out of his apartment, saw what was happening told
another neighbor to call police and went back inside. The suspect
used a shotgun to blast through the apartment door, entered the
apartment and shot the man, killing him.
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