"JustWaitAFrekinMinute" wrote in message
On 4/25/2013 8:17 AM, Hank© wrote:
On 4/25/2013 6:51 AM, F.O.A.D. wrote:
On 4/25/13 2:15 AM, Eisboch wrote:
On Wednesday, 24 April 2013 22:12:56 UTC-3, JustWaitAFrekinMinute!
On 4/24/2013 8:29 PM, Earl wrote:
J Herring wrote:
I'm assuming your silence indicates you've no problem with me
your comment. True?
"At least half the guys I see at the Maryland Small Arms Range
are cops,
and most of them have trouble hitting the "vital areas" on
targets seven
yards away. At 25 yards, which is my shooting distance, many
can't hit the large paper targets, let alone the body outline
Harry Krause, Huntingtown, MD
Is it OK to quote you on their Facebook page? I'd use your
not **** Off or Eat ****...
Just post a link to his remark. It must be archived on Google
That's better than an unsubstantiated quote.
That would be easy, anybody save a link to his original comment?
It's bad enough to have these idiotic exchanges in the rec.boats
newsgroup and now you want to spread the child's play on someone's
business Facebook page?
I suspect the administrator of that page would quickly delete any
to a Google newsgroup thread and probably ban the person who
posted it
before it became infested with this BS. I know I would. In fact,
did for exactly that reason.
There are some here, Scotty and "Earl" and Herring among them, who
nothing to offer *but* that sort of child's play. Poor Earl changes
email addy slightly very frequently in order to get through my
so I can see his vomitus, but that doesn't work for him. He's a
permanent member of The Bozo Bin. Herring worked his way into the
last week. The posters in rec.boats have diminished themselves down
to a
precious few for me.
Were you banned from Eisboch's page? It wouldn't surprise me a bit
you were.
harry wouldn't get binned... he holds similar political sentiment as
dick, that seems to be the delimiter here...snerk
Harry and I often have dissimilar views and opinions but there is one
issue in which we 100 percent agree.
You are a nut case.