On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 10:27:55 -0700, "Califbill" wrote:
Want some fun video, Google isle of man scooter racing. Back in the 1960's
they did even trials racing with Vespa's.
Found this:
I really think I could keep up with those folks on my Moto Guzzi!
In Europe there is a European Vespa Rally. I went to one in Luxembourg, which was held at the same
time as the Guzzi rally there. What a sight! They do things to those Vespas, hard covers, chrome,
pipes, etc, that are unbelievable. It's also the one weekend (with a couple days on either side)
when scooters like the Vespa are allowed on the Autobahns.
John (Gun Nut) H.
Hope you're having a great day!