On 7/27/13 6:58 AM, Tim wrote:
On Friday, July 26, 2013 1:31:43 PM UTC-5, F.O.A.D. wrote:
...restrict reproductive rights, scrap Planned Parenthood, close health
clinics that provide important services to women, force medical
professionals to lie to women, force women to undergo medically
unnecessary exams for political reasons, spew inexplicable rhetoric on
rape, oppose pay equity laws, and push antiquated views on gender
roles... *is* a war on women.
Trying to pick a fight with the 'righties' again, Harry?
Not me. I'm just pointing out the truth of the Republican-Conservative
war against women. It's important to keep the war against women in the
forefront of discussions, in order to help defeat the
Republican-Conservative pigs in upcoming elections, at least in those
places where they haven't gerrymandered themselves into perpetual victory.
You never know if the wife of some Republican-Conservative pig poster
here might pressure her hubby into voting more intelligently.