On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:27:27 AM UTC-4, Hank© wrote:
On 8/27/2013 9:13 AM, F.O.A.D. wrote:
On 8/27/13 8:49 AM, wrote:
On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 8:11:22 AM UTC-4, F.O.A.D. wrote:
The bike theft. A sign from that mysterious imaginary being of mythology
and superstition that another hobby would be better. 
You may not be good at paying your taxes and debts, but you are *very*
good at being an asshole.
Ooooooh. JackOff tries to make a funny. Ooooooh. You freepers are funny
guys. Ooooooh.
I don't think he intended it to be funny. What is funny, and sad, is how
you see the world around you, and the insane comments you make about others.
Correct. I was dead serious.