On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:08:18 -0400, JustWaitAFrekinMinute wrote:
On 8/27/2013 10:40 AM, John H wrote:
On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 18:07:05 -0400, "Mr. Luddite" wrote:
"John H" wrote in message
Greg may have a point in using the laser to help with the 'yips'. One
could dry fire at the TV and
try to keep the laser steady. I'd be hesitant to use it at the range
until I could control it well
enough to keep folks from laughing at all the jiggling.
John (Gun Nut) H.
Don't worry about the laughter. Unless you are indoors, they won't be
able to see it either.
I learned to reduce the jitters by simply relaxing a bit, and also not
locking my elbows and arms.
It's like when I first tried golf. I was gripping the club so hard
my fingers where turning white.
A friend who was an experienced (and very good) golfer noticed and
worked with me to relax my grip.
He had me walking down the fairway shaking my hands like they were wet
and I was trying to air dry them.
At the next tee, I tried my new, improved "relaxed grip" and tossed
the club about 25 yards down the fairway.
Re-adjusted a bit back to a slightly stronger grip and my golf game
improved dramatically.
The range I use is indoors, so the 'spot' would be very visible. I don't have a laser on any of the
guns, but we did do some giggling at the range when we saw the 'spot' jiggling all over the target.
I wish I could find an easy cure for my golf game. I've been stuck in the doldrum 90's for too long
John (Gun Nut) H.
Get a pro for a few lessons.... We were gifted some "lessons" by the
team and have gotten to work with a currently ranked pro rider... Jess
has had a problem called "dabbing" that has hurt her corners for years.
When you dab, your inside foot in a corner hits the ground, and you fall
in losing contact with the outside leg and foot peg... This means you
come off the throttle, etc... Anyway, we have been working for two
years on keeping the weight on the outside peg... driving me nuts. Turns
out, five minutes into our lesson he says "she's dabbing, her inside
elbow is wrong"... Two years of agony solved with five minutes of pro
advice.... anyway, spend a few bucks, enjoy your sport more than you do
I've tried lessons with pros on four occasions. One of them was working very well when the pro moved
to California. The other three didn't do so well, although one was really nice looking! But, she
wasn't cheap, and the course is a long drive from my house.
John (Gun Nut) H.
Hope you're having a great day!