On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 16:20:57 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:
Today is an important anniversary. No, it has nothing to do with Martin
Luther King Jr., or with civil rights, or even the arduous physical
labor of marching somewhere for some reason. Tsk—nothing that silly.
No, today is the five-year anniversary of John McCain introducing Alaska
then-Gov. Sarah Palin to the nation as his serious, no-foolings vice
presidential candidate, the person who would hold the nuclear football
in the event that John McCain suddenly could not, the person chosen from
among the entire Republican Party establishment as being the most
capable person to help him run the country. Sarah Palin. That Sarah Palin.
Another in the long procession of cynical moves by Republicans that
will eventurally ensure that party's demise. Their affiliation with
old, white, evangelical, pseudo-conservatives is the magic recipe for
a Democratic sweep of all three branches of government.
How sweet that these old white fools will die watching their beloved
country fall into the hands of the coloreds and liberal pragmatists
who will opt for properly funded schools and health care over bullets
and bombs.