*STILL* no power after Hurricane Isabel
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*STILL* no power after Hurricane Isabel
On 23 Sep 2003 00:41:51 GMT,
123 (Butch Ammon) wrote:
Hello all.
I'm still here in Richmond, VA - albeit without power and drinkable water. We
survived Isabel, but there still are countless trees down on power lines and on
houses and whatnot.
My chainsaw got plenty of action over the weekend too. I helped so many people
cut trees in their lawns and try to get them off their storage sheds (what
remains of a storage shed!) in their back yards.
I heard from a few friends out in coastal Virginia along Tappahannock down to
VA Beach and the damage is far worse then inland here in Richmond. I don't
have trees down (thank God), but just have lost power and had to throw out all
contents of my fridge and freezer. Other people have totally lost their homes
and had boat docks get ripped up into splinters!
They said Virginia hasn't been hit this hard is almost 100 years. I just hope
I get power soon. I can't rely on a laptop computer forever!
Take care.
Butch Ammon
I've been wondering how you made out. Sorry to hear about the lack of
power. Any way to get your hands on a generator?
Glad that you and your family are safe, and the house is sound.
....carry on.
To email me, please remove the "FISH" from the net.
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