Anyone here looking for a job?
Or a new career?
I know of several different opportunities that pay decent money and
seem to have some openings.
1. Marine Air Conditioning and Refrigeration service people (on
topic). My guy is in his early 70s and has more work than he can
handle. The work is difficult and requires a fair degree of skill.
He's had no success at all trying to hire and train assistants. Most
of them have just not been up to the task for one reason or another.
He charges $85/hour including travel time to and fro - all top line
profit since he works for himself and has his shop at home.
2. Long Haul Truck Driver. On our recent road trip back to the
north east, a high percentage of the trucks we passed had help wanted
signs, some willing to hire and train beginners. Admittedly this is
not a job for everyone but experienced drivers can make over $50K/year
and seem to have a lot of options regarding where they work. Much
better than working at McDonalds or Walmart in my opinion.