Anyone here looking for a job?
On 9/21/13 2:25 AM, Califbill wrote:
skin a cat wrote:
On 9/20/2013 10:06 PM, Califbill wrote:
On Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:24:34 PM UTC-4, Wayne. B wrote:
Funny...Wayne has NO idea WHAT is involved in being a Truck Driver.
$50,000 is **** wages, considering you have to feed yourself while out on
the road. That is deducted off the top line, leaving you **** all really.
Truck Companies DONT give a **** if you have a Family, they just want the
**** going down the road.
He should find himself a job..
The truck driver has to feed himself each day, wether he is driving or
watching Oprah.
Do you seriously not understand the difference in dollars, buying
prepared food on the road, or cooking your own at home? When we go
racing, we easily save $50 bucks a day by brown bagging compared to other
teams... It's a lot different working and living on the road and trying
to eat well, than it is stuffing in carbs on vacation or on a long weekend...
You travel for business, you learn to eat reasonable. You do not go out to
the 3 star eateries.
Traveling for business and driving a long-haul truck on the interstates
doesn't mean you eat at the same places. The truck drivers are pretty
much limited to eating at truck stops, where their rigs can be parked,
fueled, accommodated. Some truck stops offer a wide variety of food and
some have that food at decent prices but even so, eating three hots a
day while driving a big rig isn't inexpensive. If you are driving your
car, you can easily get off the interstate and find the kind of place
you'd prefer to eat that will accommodate you and your car. On the
interstates around here, "Cracker Barrel" restaurants seem very popular
at all three meal times, but you rarely see the big truck rigs in their
parking lots because those lots are not built to handle those sorts of
vehicles. A decent meal at Cracker Barrel runs $10-$12, easily. A
similar meal at a truck stop likely is more expensive.