Newbie questions
Nick wrote in message ...
In article , Tony Kenny
Hello all,
I'm new to this sport (and hence the group) having bought a small
13.5foot boat with a Mercury 20hp outboard last week and had a great
time on Derwen****er at the weekend!
don't forget the 10mph speed limit on there!
The boat is of an unknown make/mode and is quite old.
I look forward to doing the powerboat Level 2 course next week so
suspect that will answer a lot of my questions. In the meantime I
have some general questions I like to put to the group.
1) Is there a uk.r.b.p FAQ/website?
see other post with details of the groups charter
2) The boat has a 'mercontrol' remote with a 3-pin socket on the
front. Is this a kill-switch? If so, what woudl I connect that to on
the outboard?
Usually for the connection of accessories such as a tacho and 12v supply
3) there is a toggle switch on the front ende (not the top) of the
control - what is this usually used for?
That sounds like the kill switch.
Yeah, I remembered the speed limit, which is exactly why I went to
that lake so that a) I wasn't tempted to go too fast for my abilities
and b) So I'd have no other fast moving crafts to give me hassle.
The only problme I had was estimating 10mph on water, I assume the
limit is water relative and not land relative? I have a pitot speedo
en route to me so i'll have that fittd for my next visit, along with
tacho and fuel gauge and a level 2 certificate with a bit of luck (or
hard work I should day).
Where would I wire a kill switch up to on the engine? I'd like to
connect maybe both the toggle switch AND the kill wire so if I do fall
out at least my boat wont go crashing into others at speed.