Voter Fraud in Iowa!
On 12/16/2013 1:33 PM, True North wrote:
On Monday, 16 December 2013 13:37:57 UTC-4, F.O.A.D. wrote:
On 12/16/13, 12:29 PM, True North wrote:
On Monday, 16 December 2013 13:06:22 UTC-4, John H. wrote:
. The neighbor retrieved a firearm and
attempted to scare the dogs away. But when the dogs then turned their attention to the neighbor, he
fired, killing both animals. (The Times-Tribune, Dunmore, PA, 7/3/13) "
John H. -- Hope you're NOT having a great day!
Johnny Mop, you really get off on all the shootin' & killin', don't you?
It either that or your fetish for male buttocks that dominate your posts.
Why don't you put your two obsessions together and go stuff your new gun up your butt.....
JohnnyMop is *my* selectee, to coin a word, for perpetrating a serious
gun accident on himself or a close relative.
I sure would be nervous standing anywhere near him when he has a loaded gun in his hands.
In certain situations that's the whole idea.