I own a Wilderness Systems myself but my husband just got a Perception
Eclipse because of the issue you are concerned about and it has resolved
it... He suggests you not go with the Wilderness Systems. With the Eclipse,
you will find the the highter profile and weight capacity to your liking and
comfort without it suffering a loss of tracking and speed.
"Matthew Twomey" wrote in message
Greeting all!
I would like to ask a question. I looking to purchase my first Kayak.
I have done some mild Kayaking in the past and have developed a good
idea of what I am looking for (basically a shorter touring/rec kayak
with at least one dry hatch). Anyway I am looking specifically at the
Wilderness Systems Cape Lookout 135 and 145.
I really like the fit of the 135. I have sat in both several times and
paddled the 135. I like the 145 as well, but don't like the fit quite
as much. I'd prefer the 135. I weigh 215 pounds and the 135 has a 240
weight limit - on occasion I would be interested doing some overnight
trips and I'm concerned about going over this weight limit with the
stuff I pack. My question is this (don't laugh): If I go slightly over
the limit - like 245 or 250 pounds (due to gear and food) am I going
to sink? I would guess not - but I though I'd ask some more
experienced paddlers.
Thanks for any advice or experiences!
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